ການປະເມີນຄວາມຄືບໜ້າໄລຍະກາງ ຂອງໂຄງການ SNGS & ການເຄື່ອນໄຫວກິດຈະກຳ 17 ສິງຫາ 2012 (Mid-term Review on the progress of SNGS Project & Activities – 17 August 2012)
1. Mid-term Review on the progress of SNGS Project – 17 August 2012
The evaluation of field work has been conducted between 6-17th August 2012 which taken placed on three provinces include: Vientiane Capital, Savannakhet and Thakek.
There were 35 sectors from the Government of Lao, NGOs, and private companies that have participated in meetings and interviews. Also, 50 persons have been invited to the interview.
The performance results that the evaluation team found on the SNGS team have been efficient, quality, with efficient time and costs. Overall, the team has achieved significant results.
However, there are some issues that are needed to be strengthened and prioritizing of certain project activities are needed.
Sustainability is the focus and main priority of the evaluation which covers licensing, pricing, funding which shall be improved and strengthened. Also, Frame agreement concerning realization of NSDI between GOL ministries is of vital importance.
The usage of existing fund of SNGS project should be directed to Aerial photography of the second third of the country.
One of the urgent works of the project is the production of the maps 1: 5.000 and Topographic maps 1: 50.000 which have been in great needs from many sectors including authorities, NGOs, and private companies that need these maps to
improve their works. Also, the establishment of NGD plotting services in Vientiane will be prioritized.
There have been great expectations on the continuation of the project which carry on funding of the SNGS/Phase II project that covers the rest of the country will be evaluated and planned of phased II then could be commenced.
2. Activities – 17 August 2012
There has been Pétanque match to strengthen relationship between leading, divisoinal staff and NGD staff and Evaluation team following the meeting later that evening.